The Email has been sent to entrants on over the days between 12th & 17th Sept.

If you haven't seen your email - check your spam folder!

[RaceName] at Zetland Park, 22nd September

Hi [FirstName] [LastName]

This is your race number: [Bib #] – please have a note of it to help when you collect it.

If you are unable to run, there are two options:

First, transfer your entry to someone that you know – email me the following information about the new runner:

  • Forename
  • Surname
  • DOB
  • Gender
  • Club & EA Number (if any)
  • House Number & Street
  • Town
  • Postcode
  • Email
  • Mobile

There is no charge for this.

Second, if you don’t know someone to transfer your entry to, then we do have people on a waiting list, if I am able sell your number to the waiting list then I will refund your fee (less £1 to £2 to cover EntryCentral fees that we are unable to recover)

Please do NOT let anyone run with your number without letting me know in advance  – I will accept swaps up to 7pm Wednesday 18th Sept..

Please read the attached document carefully it has ALL the info required about parking, number pick up on the day, baggage etc. I am always dismayed when runners ask questions that they would have known the answer to, if they had read it.

For those you that live locally, there is an opportunity to pick your number up on Saturday 21st from 10am to 2pm, again at Zetland Park.

If you are unable to run, please do NOT let anyone run with your number without letting me know in advance

Please run with your number pinned to the FRONT of your vest with FOUR pins, one in each corner. Please bring your own pins for this.


Graham Hall

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